John Treat, Founding Member & Director Emeritus

John Treat is a retired former executive vice president of a major bank holding company. He has been an active and avid sport fisherman both inshore and offshore along the New England Coast for nearly 40 years.

He served as president of the East Bay Anglers Club, a sport fishing club in Rhode Island becoming actively involved with conservation of game fish in the late 1970’s and early 1980s. The club developed position papers, spoke often at public hearings, and raised thousands of dollars for Sea Grant research programs to save the dwindling population of striped bass along the east coast from Virginia to Maine.

In more recent years, John has been pursuing inshore and offshore game fish along the New England coast and Florida and several countries in Central America. John became an IGFA Certified Observer in 2003 along with Bob Malerba in Ocean City, Maryland.

Since that time John has been participating in 4-8 tournaments per year since 2003.

He has Observed in many countries including the Dominican Republic, St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands), Venezuela, Costa Rica, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Aruba, and Florida.


Updated 1.18.2024


IGFTO Directors